Showing posts with label Social Networking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Social Networking. Show all posts

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Post Your Articles on FaceBook Automatically

Do you have Website or Blog, and you publish personally on myspace. Well, you know, it’s make a chance to publish and you have to sign in eace time when you publish there but have you ever think to publish each website link on myspace automatticaly? Yeah! it’s possible to do. There are one of myspace app (RSS Graffiti) available to do, do not need to go by lengthy and herd actions, just adhere to few actions & set up which given below. It will help you to automated publish on your myspace. now you do not need to sign in and go again and agian to publish there. If you will compose new publish for your site, it will instantly publish on myspace. but Keep in mind, your blog/website should have nourish, so that can set up.

There are so many benifits to use RSSGraffiti app. like you can set narrow, program a publish, personalize your river and set posting guidelines. Set up a tweets consideration also available with RSSGraffiti. It’s no cost, do not need to pay anything for that.

Post Articles to FaceBook
Post Articles to FaceBook

How to submit RSS Feed to show on your facebook :

1. Log in to your Facebook profile
2. Open RSS Graffiti facebook app and click to authorize
3. Now!, click to Add a new feed
4. One of page will show front of you and will ask for :
Feed URL: your blog feed url.
Source Name: Title of your blog
Source URL: Your blog url
Post style: Let the ‘Standard’. If you want to post up in the form of short messages such as Twitter select ‘Compact’ or ‘status updates’
5. Now! click on Save.
If you have any problem, can ask from here
Now whenever you post an article, the article will automatically appear on your facebook page/wall.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Know How You Can Get Facebook Timeline Personal Cards

Now! you can get timeline personal cards with just some steps, you have to follow which given below. you don’t need to tell people your phone number and email address, can give your facebook personal card. MOO is a company which provide business card with facebook. It’s not matter where you are in world, because they ship worldwide.

All cards Printed on quality paper, the color cards start at 50 per pack, $15 for 50 cards, $30 for 100 cards, $45 for 150 cards, and $60 for 50 cards. If you like to get stared and wanna have Facebook card, go to and start design your cards.

1. Login your Facebook account and go to facebook timeline profile.
2. Click on about (as shown in picture)

3. Look for your contact info box and click that icon (as shown in picture)
4. Now! Click on Print Cards (as shown in picture)

5. Will ask Request for Permissions and Click on Allow

6. Now! design your cards

Card - Back Side
Card - Back Side
And you will get this cards by post, because they ship worldwide.

Now Get Old Facbook Discussion Back

Some of individuals do not like new twitter or myspace talk box? Do you also and looking to use old twitter or myspace chat? with some simple techniques, which given below and you can get old one. As you have seen that almost associates present in on the internet record in new FB talk box, but when you use old talk, only your on the internet buddy will present and off-line buddy will not present in that record. Old FB talk box is simple way to use and can discover associates to talk on the internet quickly.

How to Get on Mozilla Firefox?

1. Open your Firefox browser and login facebook account.
2. Go to this Add ons.
3. Click on the “Add to Firefox” button.
Add to Firefox
Add to Firefox
5. Then after, at “Software Installation” window, click “Install Now” button.
Install Now
Install Now
6. After that finally “Restart” your browser.

How to Get on Google Chrome?

1. Open your Chrome browser and login facebook account.
2. Go to this Extensions.
3. At right corner, click on “Add to Chrome” button.
Add to Chrome
Add to Chrome
4. After that click on “Install
5. Now! “Refresh” your facebook page and see your chat box!
Published By SEO Company india